AnyKeyDBA 2.0

professional services for oracle, sql server, db/2 or mysql

Each environment has it's own collage of technologies deployed to support the changing and ongoing needs of your internal and external customers.

Keeping current on those technologies is a challenge. On premises, cloud, hybrid cloud, new versions, old versions, application vendor-specific requirements all add layers of complexity to this niche I.T. service focus. Our globally deployed AnyKeyDBAs come from all walks of life and experiences to help with the needs of any organization from 1 database to 2000 databases.

AnyKeyDBA professional services have proven themselves more than capable at executing these initiatives:

  • Oracle to SQL Server Migration
  • Migration to SQL Cloud
  • On premise Data Warehouse Modernization
  • Collecting a definitive SQL Inventory, license optimization
  • Data Center Migrations
  • Data Center Consolidations
  • High Availability and AlwaysOn
  • Always Encrypted Implementation
  • Application Conversion
  • Stretch Database Implementation
  • and more....

The value that AnyKeyDBAs bring is in the results:

  • Eliminate points of failure
  • Modernize old systems
  • Consolidate and rationalize for cost savings
  • Offload DBA knowledge and cost burdens
managed services for sql server

While you focus on innovation and value delivery for your customers, certified AnyKeyDBAs keep your systems up and running and running to meet the challenges of your daily operational needs. Whether you want to outsource one database server, or a hundred, AnyKeyDBAs strive to keep your database infrastructure as boring as can be, and by that we mean if it's not the squeaky wheel in your environment, we've done our job right.

Request a free quote today.

Strategic Data Enabler with SQL Server 2016

AnyKey's approach to problem solving includes taking a 'precision strike' approach. Each proposed action is explained in detail so that it's clear how it will affect the systems before making changes.

  • AlwaysOn & High Availability - Get into a high availability configuration without the guess work, in a predictable and reliable way.
  • Business Intelligence - Deployment of Business Intelligence along with gateway connectors needs to be done without missing the mark on performance.
  • Cloud Migrations - Hybrid and pure cloud strategies both have landmines that nobody wants to set off. Knowing the limitations and what to expect from the Cloud makes migration possible.
  • Consolidation and Rationalization - No matter the size of the organisation, there is almost always opportunity to consolidate and rationalize underutilized assets for a significant savings opportunity.
  • Dev Ops - Application Review - Application developers who publish applications have unique challenges. Optimization of data models, queries, indexes for a secured and performant user experience takes a great deal of skill.
  • Disaster Recovery Planning - Organizational data and its operational readiness in the event of a disaster needs to be planned carefully and in a manner that results in achieving recovery time and recovery point objectives.
  • Footprint Reduction - Data sprawl and overcommitted storage is a killer when cramped storage rears its ugly head.
  • Licensing Review - If you're unsure how much sprawl you have in your environment, let us build out your SQL Server asset list.
  • Performance Improvement - There are a number of contributing factors that lead to high performance of a SQL server or SQL farm. When users complain, and you see low CPU and Disk I/O, what do you do to remedy the issue? We can give you performance enhancing solutions and coach your team on techniques.
  • Storage Tuning - One of the most important aspects for a highly performant SQL farm is how the data storage platform is architected and configured. Over time, additional workloads change and storage performance can suffer. But it doesn't have to.
  • Virtualizations - Migrating from physical to virtual hosting is an effective strategy to get the most from asset investments.


  • One less skillset you need to maintain in your team = other areas where your team can focus.
  • Access vendor and industry best practices beyond training and whitepaper understanding.

Call AnyKey to Continue™

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Simply fill in the contact form, below, and we'll email you a copy of a sample Table of Contents for you to review.

We will followup with you one time to make sure your questions are answered, but we won't hassle you.